Sleep de-Stress Solutions

Why is sleep important?

Long-term health depends on the regeneration that occurs during deep sleep. Growth hormone, or the “anti-aging” hormone, is secreted during sleep, which stimulates tissue regeneration, liver cleansing, muscle building, break down of fat stores and normalization of blood sugar. During sleep free radicals are scavenged in the brain, minimizing its aging. Many health problems are aggravated by inadequate sleep. Sleep gives us renewed vitality, a more positive outlook on life and energy with which we can become our full potential.

Why do you have trouble sleeping?

(you’re not alone!)

  1. Unmanaged stress.
  2. Too much cortisol being released before bed.
  3. Hormonal changes; menopause.
  4. Muscle pain, twitching, muscle cramps.
  5. Movement disorders
  6. Breathing problems.
  7. Hypoglycemia
  8. Alcohol consumption

** Use the following tips to improve your sleep hygiene. If your sleep issues persist, make an appointment with your Naturopathic physician to investigate underlying causes.

How to improve your sleep?

An evening ritual helps prepare your body/mind for sleep. It is good to have a “getting ready for bed” routine to relax and “prime” your body for sleep. Be as consistent as possible with the time you go to bed and the time you wake up. Any hour of sleep before 11:00 is especially beneficial; any hour of wakefulness after 1am is especially detrimental. Try for 8-9 hours of sleep.

During the Day:

Engage in some outdoor activity during the bright daylight hours, even if it’s only a 20 minute walk at lunch. Bright natural light helps to suppress melatonin during the day and your dark bedroom increases the melatonin needed for sleep. Try not to exercise after sunset.

A brief 20 minute nap during the late -afternoon is OK. Don’t engage in physical exercise after the nap.


Eat 3-4 hours before you want to go to sleep. Your body’s metabolism increases with food intake and can cause insominia. Exception: if you tend to have low blood sugar, eat a little protein snack (nuts, meats, hummus, eggs, cheese) before bed.

Your Bedroom:

  1. Reserve your bed for sleep and sex only. Do NOT read, watch TV, eat or worry in bed.
  2. Solve daily problems outside of the bedroom. Do not go to bed mad or angry.
  3. Your room should be quiet, cool, comfortable, uncluttered and DARK.
  4. Only have electronic devices in the room that are an absolute must – if it’s your cell phone, turn it over so the light is not seen and put on the opposite of the room to avoid getting the electro-magnetic energy. Consider using EMF (electro magnetic field) shields on devices that must be in your room.
  5. Keep your pets in a different room. Any allergy stimulates cause the release of histamine which will keep you awake.

One-Two Hours BEFORE Sleep:

  1. Turn OFF all electrical equipment.
  1. Have a cup of herbal “Sleepy Time” tea
  1. Take a neutral bath 90-120 minutes before bed. (Not a hot bath). The water should feel somewhere between natural temperature and slightly warm. During the last part of the bath, let the water cool down – this will slow down your metabolism and signal your body to relax and get ready for sleep.
  1. Prepare for your next day: If you tend to be an over-organizer or worrier, write a list of what you will do tomorrow. If you find yourself worrying in bed, gently tell yourself all is written down and focus on your breathing.
  1. Consider using an herbal sleep aid. Suggestions: Sound Sleep, Sleep Thru or Kava Kava all by Gaia Herbs, Melatonin (3 mg sustained release), Natural Calm by Natural Vitality , CBD Oil, Calcium-magnesium supplement.
  1. Do some progressive relaxation, yoga, chi gong, guided imagery or meditation.
  1. Use a diffuser in your bedroom with lavender essential oil.
  1. Count your blessings! Journal and write down what you are thankful for today

It takes 2-3 weeks to have your sleeping habits change. Be patient. Keep a boring book at your bedside and if you wake at night read a few pages – you’ll be sure to fall back asleep! Be patient.

Sweet-Sleep Tea Recipe:


  • 3 Tbs. dried chamomile
  • 3-5 small dried rosebuds
  • 2 tsp. willow bark
  • 2 tsp. lemon balm
  • 1 tsp. valerian
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon, or a cinnamon stick to stir with
  • honey to taste

Combine all ingredients in a medium teapot, then add 3-4 cups of boiling water. Allow to steep for several minutes, then pour through a strainer into serving mugs. Adjust sweetness to taste with honey, and enjoy! Makes enough for 3 small mugs for the whole family!

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