Typical doctor visits are very short and not thorough. Visits with Dr. Janet are just the opposite! You won’t feel rushed and you will have plenty of time to ask questions. Personal health care is the focus of Naturopathic Medicine.
Technology has brought information sharing to a new level. You can share and access your health care information safely.
When you purchase the package as a new client you can expect an initial 60-90 minute evaluation.
Typical spacing as follows…
Session 1: 2 weeks after evaluation
Sessions 2, 3, 4: once a month
Sessions, 5, 6, 7, 8: every other month
Additional labs may be needed and are an extra charge.
10% off Supplements via in-house dispensary or through Dr. Janet’s orders through a direct mail, on-line company called Wellevate Co.
12 Month Package | $1505.00 |
12 month AUTISMplus! Package Paid in full at first visit | 15% discount = $1320.00 Includes Evaluation, 8 - ½ hr Follow-ups, Basic Labs, 10% off Supplements, Virtual Care. |
Package Payment plan | $416.00 for first visit, then $99.00 for next 11 months |
15 minutes Hello! | FREE – phone or direct visit |
15 minutes Follow-Up | $75.00 |
30 minutes | $125.00 |
45 minutes | $165.00 |
60 minutes | $200.00 |
90 minutes Evaluation | $250.00 |
Discount: | If you pay for a 90 min. Evaluation and a ½ Follow-up Visit at your 1st visit, you will receive a $25.00 discount. Normal total = $375.00 With discount = $350.00 |
Individuals on the autism spectrum and other developmental issues are often challenged with sensory processing challenges, hyperactivity, difficulty focusing and concentrating. Dr. Janet provides hands-on work and functional skills training using her many years of experience as an Occupational and Massage Therapist doing bodywork techniques. This therapy helps children and adults be more in-tune with their bodies, less sensitive to lights/sounds/touch and ultimately more focused, grounded and functional!
Buy 5 sessions, 6th session FREE
Arms around ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) - Check out: www.armsaroundasd.org