Naturopathic Physical Medicine
Are you or your child challenged by attention deficits, autism, cerebral palsy, gastrointestinal imbalances, or other sensory/motor challenges?
NATUROPATHIC PHYSICAL MEDICINE is hands-on therapy to address restrictions, imbalances, and tensions in your body. Dr. Janet is highly trained in this area and has expertise in the techniques listed below.
Dr. Janet combines her Naturopath evaluations and treatments with these hands-on techniques for clients who need specialized bodywork. She has many years of experience working directly with clients and is able to “magically” assess and treat imbalances and restrictions. Her training and practice has included clinical work and teaching of the following therapies:
(Note: Click those therapies with links above for more information).
Consider hands-on bodywork to take you to your next level of wellness!
607-368-0470 or BOOK an APPOINTMENT Online