Myofascial Release
Imagine looking at a piece of chicken – peel off the outside skin and you will see connective tissue which surrounds the chicken meat and bones. A rather graphic analogy, but the connective tissue is myofascial tissue! The connective or myofascial tissue in our bodes surrounds all our muscles, bones, nerves, organs and other structures. It is the most prevasive tissue in our bodies! Fascia is a strong but pliable multifunctional tissue. It is a three dimensional web like structure that gives shape to our body. If all tissue, organs, and bones were removed from the body except the fascial system, the image would look exactly like us down to minute details!!
Fascial restrictions and injuries occur in our bodies from trauma, accidents, postural demands, and repetitious lifestyle activities. Individuals often present with specific pain patterns but the fascial restrictions are often in different locations. The adage of treatment is: “See the symptoms, look elsewhere for the cause.” Hands-on pressure and stretches are applied to the body to release and realign the fascial system. Slow, skin-to-skin contact is used with no lotions or oils.
Changes in fascial restrictions will improve range of motion, sleep, energy, posture, sensory perception, daily functioning skills and overall well being.
In addition to the above benefits, myofascial therapy gives a boost to individuals on the autism spectrum by addressing their central nervous system and systemic inflammation. The fascial therapy facilitates the release of chemical and hormonal mediators as well as lymphocytic immune response cells, which are essential for optimal function. Individuals with autism report being able to focus better, have less self-stimulatory behaviors and being more receptive to touch.
Pretend you are a statue of clay that needs to be remolded. Dr. Janet’s “magic-hands” are ready to assess and treat your entire body with a Michaelangelo statue in mind! She has worked along side John Barnes, PT, renowned teacher of Myofascial Therapy, for many years and participated in all levels of his training program. She has a skilled touch and a high level of sensitivity to address your tissue and follow where your tissue leads. There are no protocols and each session is individualized to the history, injury profile and tissue needs of you or your child.