Visceral Manipulation
What do you think of when you hear the word “viscera?” If you thought – my gut – you were exactly correct! The viscera are your internal organs including your intestines, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen and other organs. All of these organs are surrounded by a fascia or connective tissue. Your visceral organs and connective tissue are constantly moving in a slow, flowing rhythm and are in-tune with each other. Motion is the sign of life! For us to be healthy and have optimal function, there needs to be motion in our visceral and surrounding fascia.
Medical cultures in Europe and Asia have utilized visceral manipulation techniques since prerecorded times! Practitioners in many parts of the world have worked on internal organs and facilitated their function with hands-on treatments. Jean-Pierre Barral, a Physical Therapist and Osteopath Doctor in France became very interested in this system in the 1970’s and conducted extensive clinical and cadaver research. He started teaching Visceral Manipulation in the USA in 1985 and the rest is history! Many therapists now incorporate these techniques in their practice, helping clients to achieve improved well-being.
Tissues loose their normal motion when they become inflamed or irritated. This situation causes normal fibers to become relatively inelastic and granular tissue to develop. The tissues can become dehydrated and lack normal fluid consistency. This lack of motion or an imbalance of the viscera fascia that surrounds our organs can be palpated by the therapist’s hands. Working on the visceral connective tissue system releases these restrictions and allows the return of movement and fluidity to the structures. Visceral manipulations are performed on dry skin. No creams or oils are used. The client wears loose shorts and t-shirts or sports top.
Changes in visceral restrictions will improve range of motion, sleep, energy, posture, sensory perception, daily functioning skills and overall well-being. This treatment is often seen as the “missing piece” of treatment as it addresses the underlying core of the body’s structures. A often surprising benefit is the release of emotional baggage that has been imbedded in the gut for many years.
In addition to the above benefits, Visceral Manipulations gives a boost to individuals on the autism spectrum by addressing their digestive system, which is often imbalanced causing constipation, diarrhea or both. The Visceral Manipulations also facilitate the release of chemical and hormonal mediators as well as lymphocytic immune response cells, which are essential for optimal function. Individuals with autism report better digestion, less sensitivity to foods, less brain fog and improved receptivity to sensations.
Do you wish your insides would just feel better? Dr. Janet has “magic-hands” that have over 30 years of experience working with individuals. She has studied the Visceral Manipulations techniques through the International Upledger Institute. She has a skilled touch and a high level of sensitivity to address your tissue and follow where your viscera leads. There are no protocols and each session is individualized to the history, injury profile and tissue needs of you or your child.